Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I'm Back! And Married!

Well, we did it! August 20th was hot, humid, and full of thunderstorms in Michigan, but it was beautiful nonetheless. The church was packed - literally standing room only - and the ceremony was quick (a little quicker than I had wanted, but that's another story), but in the end we were married. And that's all that mattered.

For a sneak peek at a wedding pic (a freakin' amazing one, at that), check out our photographer's blog: Emily Waid Photography

Excuse the lengthy delay in posting after the wedding. We came home to find out that, much to our disappointment, we were not visited by the Wedding Fairy who cleans, puts gifts away, and organizes your home. That was a bummer :) I'm still trying to dig out from new stuff, put old stuff in storage (to be sold!!), organize everything, find a teaching job, figure out this new laptop (since my old one decided to die after the wedding), and recover from an electrical storm that knocked out our new LED tv, Wii, and satellite receiver (bye bye alllll my DVRed TV that I thought I'd be able to watch after the wedding)

So far married life isn't much different than non-married-living-together life, but it's great. I'm BEYOND excited to get our professional pictures back, and to start recapping what was the best, most exhausting day of my life!!